Archive: July, 2011

Rahn – If Only

I’m very excited to announce that my CDs are done! I used Disc Makers to help replicate my CD. In case you’re wondering, a replication is different than a duplication. Replicated discs are made from a press where a master image of the CD audio is created then “pressed” into the CD material. Duplicated discs […]

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"Beautiful Ron!! Very George Winston-ish. Very expressive, nice changes and dynamics. I love it!!!"
Jim Ferris

"I have a great appreciation for your talent on the ivories. The songs I've heard so far are absolutely wonderful."
Jane Brock McGraw

Photography by

Robert Rainbow Photography

Artist Xposure

Kevin Bryant

Contact Rahn

Rahn Entertainment, LLC
P.O. Box 965673
Marietta, GA 30066

Email: Click Here