Pandora adds Rahn’s album “If Only”

Hey Pandora listeners,

I’m excited to announce that Pandora has accepted my album “If Only” to their streaming radio service! You can now create your own “Rahn” station. If you’re a regular user of Pandora make sure your create your Rahn station now.

If you’re new to Pandora, sign up for a free account. After you create your “Rahn” station you’ll hear my music played along side other songs that are similar. You have the ability to rate each song by giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down.

Don’t be afraid to click the “thumbs up” button when you hear one of my songs! πŸ™‚ By the way, I get paid every time one of my songs gets played so let ’em rip!

Please tell all of your friends and family. Thanks again for all of your support!


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